Whizz Kidz

Taking the Whizz-Kidz website to another level

A newly developed strategy developed by the Whizz-Kidz team identified the website as being a key tool in achieving the objectives set out. The existing website didn’t help the charity stand out and equally, it didn’t work well for Whizz-Kidz target audiences. With the new strategy in place, Whizz-Kidz couldn’t afford to keep things ticking over and needed to take the website to a new level; easier to navigate, more SEO friendly, content-led, confident, and with a stronger and more emotive voice.

Whizz Kidz website screenshot

A bold strategy required a bold solution

The Whizz-Kids strategy was clear, with a focus on increasing the number of young wheelchair users who receive high-quality wheelchairs and mobility equipment support, but to do this, the new website needed to work harder than ever to support the charity in its mission. Starting with a strong brand identity and high-quality imagery meant we were already on the front foot, but this was just the beginning.

The Whizz Kidz website shown on both desktop and mobile
Various pages from the Whizz Kidz website

Empowering Young Wheelchair Users

The Movement for Non-Mobile Children, known as Whizz-Kidz's principal objective, is to change the lives of mobility-impaired children and young people in the UK. By providing them with the best possible mobility equipment, training and advice, Whizz-Kidz gives them the independence to live a life of freedom.

A mission to support more young wheelchair users and their families

Whizz-Kidz identified 7 key audience groups for the new site, meaning the design and its content had to work hard to guide, support and convert many different use cases. One of the unique aspects of the project was Whizz-Kids’ design mantra; ‘Nothing for us, without us’, and this was enabled through the inclusion of ‘The Kidz Board’ – a group of young wheelchair users who were consulted throughout the project and provided valuable insight into many aspects of the design of the site. In addition, we also focused on:

  • A detailed SEO audit that enabled us to benchmark the existing site and build upon existing rankings, through a revised strategy focused on reach more people
  • A strong emphasis on accessibility, ensuring the way the new brand came to life online remained accessible to the various audiences
  • Highly optimised code to ensure strong speed improvements in page load times
The Whizz Kidz website shown on both desktop and mobile